Core Values
These principles guide us as we make decisions about how to use resources, develop programs, plan seasons, and interact with audiences, artists, and one another:
Invest in building strong relationships
Our work together is massively interdependent. Through meaningful, equitable, and reciprocal relationships we can break down barriers and strengthen the collective social fabric.
Celebrate diversity in all its forms
Embracing a vibrant mix of ideas, cultures, and people is integral to everything we do. As people connect—through art, conversation, and relationships—humanity and possibility expand.
Be effective and efficient stewards of resources
We’re fortunate to have incredible facilities, expertise, and the support of Emerson College. It’s our job to deploy resources wisely on behalf of the College, students, artists, and audiences.
Model respect, integrity, civility and transparency
To achieve our goals, we need to walk the walk in all our interactions: with each other and our artists, audiences, students, and neighbors.
Balance our social conscience and dedication to artistic excellence
We believe exceptional art has special superpowers that enable it to use beauty and courage to fight for justice, inspire without preaching, and open hearts and minds.