Latvian Shortfilm Showcase:
RadiRaidi (2023), Sacrificial Lamb (2023), Can't Help Myself (2022), Experts of Youth (2023)
1 Hour 10 Minutes | PG
In Latvian with English subtitles
RadiRaidi: The Voice. The legend of the radio broadcast. Can there be news bad enough for him not to handle?
Sacrificial Lamb: In this allegory about paradise lost, Ildze yearns to find peace and fulfillment by moving from the city to the countryside. However, her thoughts are consumed by the illness of her child, her estrangement from her husband and his absence. In the meantime, Ildze’s grief is enveloped by nature’s promise of comfort, which never arrives. She tries to understand where to find the beginning of the cycle of sacrifice and where to find its end. And who is her victim, or is it herself?
Can’t Help Myself: As Estere is selling ice cream on the Baltic Sea coast, she listens to guided online meditation sessions and to positive affirmations. Alongside her self-help odyssey, other beach-goers try to cope with the help of Tarot cards, alcohol or the Holy Bible. Longing for contact but stuck in self-doubt, Estere starts to imitate overheard conversations: stuck in positive self-verbalisation, she repeats it until she believes it.
Experts of Youth: Five twenty-somethings, in search of an authentic life, move into an isolated country house full of books. Living in the carelessness of youth, with time,practical problems and the immature nature of young people create tension. Everyone has romanticized the idea of an independent and responsibility-free life – running away from reality, they run right into it.
5 min Q&A with directors Anna Ansone, Uģis Olte, Betija Zvejniece