Sep 10—17, 2016
The eternal cycle of life, death, and rebirth. A world premiere event on a Grand Opera scale.
An ouroboros, an ancient Greek icon depicting a serpent eating its own tail, has become symbolic of eternal renewal. Created by Boston’s Cerise Lim Jacobs, Ouroboros Trilogy is a cycle of three grand operas including the 2011 Pulitzer Prize-winning Madame White Snake, along with two World Premieres, Gilgamesh and Naga.
Together, this epic cycle explores themes of life, death and rebirth. Each opera is a fully realized production, separately created by three living composers, all featuring librettos by Cerise Lim Jacobs. Naga (composed by Boston’s Scott Wheeler) is the story of a young Monk who renounces everything to find nirvana, but is tempted to abandon the path when he encounters The White Snake. Madame White Snake (composed by Zhou Long) is the story of a demon who longs to become human to experience love. And Gilgamesh (composed by Paola Prestini) finds the half-demon son of Madame White Snake realizing his true power and being pushed into a position where he must choose between his family and happiness.
The operas will be shown separately, as well as in full day, seven-hour marathon events. Gala tickets to benefit Ouroboros Trilogy are also on sale for Opening Day September 10.

Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre
219 Tremont Street Boston, MA 02116
Sep 10, 2016 - Sep 17, 2016
Naga Run Time: 1hr 35min
Gilgamesh Run Time: 1hr 40min
Madame White Snake Run Time: 1hr 50min
Tickets from ?
Ages 13+
Operas will be sung in English with projected titles on the side of the theatre.
“Enchanted ‘Ouroboros’ trilogy explore eternal mysteries . . . ”
“Theatricality abounded . . .”
— The Boston Globe
The Ouroboros Trilogy is “binge worthy”
“The music should be heard, the production should be seen, and there is wisdom in the text.”
— The Boston Musical Intelligencer
“Ourorboros truly shouldn’t be missed.”
— South Shore Critic
“Boston opera hasn’t seen an event like this in a long while — if ever.”
“outstanding moments of innovation and artistry”
“The technological ingenuity and sophistication – not to mention sheer imagination – of Counts’ design cannot be overstated.”
— La Scena Musicale
— @CLINTONDC, Twitter
“Wow! A magical combination of multimedia, lyrical music-making and stunning sets”
— @SASHAERKA, Twitter