Nov 13—17, 2013
Sleeping Beauty
Colla Marionette / From Italy
Legendary Italian company Colla Marionette uses Tchaikovsky’s score and a vast landscape of intricately involved puppet technique to breathe new life into the beloved classic. Theatregoers of all ages will delight in this colorful rendition.
Journey into the fantastical land of fairy tales as Colla Marionette’s incredible puppetry takes on Sleeping Beauty. This legendary Italian marionette company – considered the best in the world – depicts the beloved classic, using Tchaikovsky’s score and intricately involved puppet technique to breathe new life into the story. Fantastic visions unfold showing visual movement that no book of fairy tales has ever contained, such as a luxuriant forest that rises up to protect Sleeping Beauty’s world. Dozens of intricate puppets and settings will make theatregoers of all ages delight in the vast and lush landscape of this colorful and spectacular rendition. This is a rare opportunity for the whole family to experience the stunning vistas of the lost art of marionette theatre.

Emerson Paramount Center
Robert J. Orchard Stage
559 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111
“Magical and inspiring performances.”
— Charleston Magazine
“Remarkable talents.”
— The New York Times