Feb 20—24, 2019
When Angels Fall
Finding hope at the end of the world.
This delightfully dark and entrancing theatrical premiere blends aerial circus, dance and cinema to explore how the beauty of letting go gives us the strength we need to rise. As a mesmerizing contortionist and aerialist herself, French creator and director Raphaëlle Boitel’s storytelling is singular, and her ability to transform space in the air to the ground with large scale illusions – and bodies streaming across the stage – is magical.
Drawing inspiration from such disparate artists as Pina Bausch, David Lynch and her longtime collaborator, James Thierrée, Boitel weaves a riveting tale of flightless angels surviving a global collapse, where the resilience of the human spirit is pitted against the sterile and mechanical. When one survivor refuses to settle into this bleak new universe, a rebellion ensues that threatens to turn a hopeless situation even worse. When Angels Fall is a mesmerizing feat of visual storytelling (no words are uttered on stage), that will summon laughter and awe even during the harsh descent from the heavens.

Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre
219 Tremont Street Boston, MA 02116
“Stunning…a blend of circus and dance set in a mechanized dystopia whose inhabitants yearn for human connection.”
“Exquisitely designed and surprisingly moving”
“Ms. Boitel finds the power to break our hearts.”
— The New York Times
“When it comes to the originality of When Angels Fall, there is no room for doubt.”
— The Boston Globe
“Visually and aurally superb.”
— Theatre Mirror
“a unique and original vision by a talented troupe and its talented leader, Boitel.”
— On Boston Stages
“A mesmerizing 70 minute existential Odyssey.”
— Joyce Kulhawik
“Wonder creeps out of the darkness and into your mind released by the movement, music and performance in front of your eyes.”
— City Living Boston
“My eyes never left the stage. The movements, the music, the aerial feats were all spellbinding.”
— Boxing Over Broadway
“The truly ravishing Ms. Boitel, who might have sat for Klimt in Vienna…”
— Ben Brantley, New York Times on the director & performer of When Angels Falls
“Darkly humorous…When Angels Fall continues the long French tradition of a revolt against tyranny…To this tradition Boitel now brings the death-defying showmanship of the circus.”
“Boitel makes her directorial debut, blending circus, dance and theatre.”
— Playbill.com
“Raphaëlle Boitel [creates] an epic event…that will live on in your memory.”
— Liberation [France]
“Saw #WhenAngelsFall last night (thank you #ArtsEmerson!). Mind blowing creativity. Emotional, powerful, surprising, and totally thrilling. Buying the soundtrack & officially a new fan girl of Raphaëlle Boitel’s work. #Dance#theater fans in #Boston: do not miss this!”
— @JulieAnneWhit
“Had the pleasure to see WHEN ANGELS FALL at @ArtsEmerson last night. Incredible piece of theatre – surprising, hilarious, spectacular, terrifying, and heartwrending. Check it out if you can, plays thru Sunday.”
— @JRexPlays
“Emerson/Boston friends: GO SEE THIS. One of my fave shows I’ve seen at @ArtsEmerson so far 🙂 Simply stunning.”
— @sara_taylor_13
“A wonderful show tonight with Raphaëlle Boitel and her ‘when angels fall’ @ArtsEmerson. @BostonGlobe and @nytimes say it best. 4 more dates in Boston.”
— @AranudMentre