Month: January 2015

  • Month: January 2015
January 28, 2015 | Theatre,

Who Gave You Breath And Imagination?

Thank you for attending Breath & Imagination! Roland Hayes was influenced and inspired by his parents and teachers encouraging him to be true to himself as an artist. This kind...

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January 20, 2015 | Theatre,

A Timeline of Events in Roland Hayes’s Life

Where Reality Meets Imagination in Breath And Imagination: A Timeline of Events in Roland Hayes’s Life   Breath and Imagination is the story of Roland Hayes, the son of slaves...

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January 15, 2015 | Theatre,

I Do Believe He Would Sing

“I Do Believe He Would Sing” by Akiba Abaka     When we listen to a vocalist with great command of the breath, we are transported into the world of...

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January 14, 2015 | Theatre,

The gift of Breath & Imagination

  I often am struck by the vulnerability and generosity of performers. As I enter the second week of rehearsal here for Breath & Imagination at ArtsEmerson, I am powerfully...

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January 8, 2015 | News,

A New Year. A New Conversation.

Happy New Year! First off, let me introduce myself: I’m Ryan Walsh, the Marketing & Communications Manager here at ArtsEmerson. You’ll be hearing more from me directly in the ArtsEmerson...

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January 5, 2015 | Theatre,

A New Year: The Arts for Everyone

  When David Dower and I met in 2002 we were both running play development organizations—David in San Francisco and me in Minneapolis. We met at a conference focused on...

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