Month: April 2016

  • Month: April 2016
April 27, 2016 | What Did You Think?,

What Did You Think Of Daughter of a Cuban Revolutionary

Thank you for joining us for Daughter of a Cuban Revolutionary by Marisa Chibas! So, te acuerdas? Many of us grow up hearing the stories of those who came before...

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April 26, 2016 | Theatre,

Evelina Fernández: Scripting New Roles for Latino Actors with Premeditation

The following was originally published in GESTOS, a multi-lingual journal devoted to critical studies of Spanish, Latin American and US Latino theater.  Evelina Fernández is a longstanding Chicana teatrista, who has...

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April 26, 2016 | Theatre,

Mexican Noir Film: A Look into Premeditation’s Influences

A woman and a man meet at a hotel room to plan a murder. Esmeralda wants to kill her husband; Mauricio is the hit-man she hires to carry out the...

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April 21, 2016 | What Did You Think?,

What Did You Think of Historia de Amor?

Thank you attending Teatrocinema’s production of Historia de Amor. The combination of the stage craft and the story itself bring up a lot of important discussion points on many different levels. If...

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April 19, 2016 | Theatre,

Alfred Hitchcock & The Art of Visual Storytelling

While preparing for Historia de Amor’s brief, Boston visit (starting this Thursday, closing APR 24) the LA Times raved about the show’s west coast run, describing it as “If Alfred Hitchcock...

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April 13, 2016 | Theatre,

Complex Identities & Contemporary America by Polly Carl

I write this note the day after President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba, and a day after the Arizona primary where a candidate who supports building a wall to stop...

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April 12, 2016 | Theatre,

A Cautiously Optimistic Cuban American

What a difference a year makes. On January 15, 2015 Marisa Chibas published this article on in response to President Obama’s decision to reopen communication with Cuba. Since the...

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April 12, 2016 | Theatre,

Congratulations to ALL IRNE Award Winners!

  The Independent Reviewers of New England (IRNE) held its 18th Annual IRNE Awards last night. IRNE is New England’s largest theater arts recognition program, recognizing the work of playwrights, designers, actors, choreographers...

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