Month: February 2016

  • Month: February 2016
February 8, 2016 | Notes From Leadership,

A Note from Executive Director David C. Howse

Levitating rocks, Farkian frogs, flying dragons, space travel? ArtsEmerson is no stranger to adventure, but who could have imagined all this? If your home is like mine, you know that...

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February 8, 2016 | Theatre,

A Recipe for Stories Both Kids & Adults Will Love

  As my 21 year old self sat in a movie theater in Harlem at 2pm on a Tuesday alternately sobbing and laughing, I realized my only other film-watching companions...

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February 1, 2016 | Theatre,

What is an Octoroon?

Read more blog articles associated with An Octoroon here!   By 1860, approximately ten percent of enslaved people in the American South had at least one white ancestor, often as a...

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