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June 16, 2016 | Theatre,

Favorites from the Archive of the Blog

What’s more fun than going back through your journals to be reminded of what was once so present in your mind? You become so grateful that a younger version of yourself took the time to list every song the DJ played at the after school dance. As we launch a new look and an expanded approach to content for the ArtsEmerson blog, we’re shouting out our favorites from across the seasons. I hope you enjoy and explore!

Whale of a Tale 

The Many Stories of the Boston Busing/Desegregation Crisis

The Life & Times of a Groundling 

The Gods of the Season (or I refer to this post, blogging for the GODS!)

“You’ve Made a Cuckold Out of Me”  – On Wes Anderson’s Tendency to Write Character for Bill Murray in Which His Wife is Cheating on Him 

A Cautiously Optimistic Cuban American 

Sixth Grade Superheroes

The Evolving Theatre District 

Double Edge Theatre, Chagall, and the 20th Century

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