Month: November 2017

  • Month: November 2017
November 20, 2017 | Theatre,


  Maybe you noticed it while watching acrobats recount the struggles and victories of their elders in Reversible. Maybe it happened while watching, in astonishment, as a house appeared from nothing...

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November 20, 2017 | Theatre,

Announcing the 2017 ArtsEmerson’s Friends + Family Event

There is no gift that compares to a lasting memory with someone who is important to you. That’s why this week, we’re unveiling prices that will allow everyone to attend...

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November 16, 2017 | Theatre,

Last Chance to Discover the Jaw Dropping Twist Behind ‘Kiss’

  “Metatheater for the digital age…The twist transcends the boundary between theater and reality.” – Tufts Daily “Kiss is an unusual and discomfiting piece of theater that is part Syrian...

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November 13, 2017 | Theatre,

Critics on Gardens Speak: ★★★★

  ★★★★ “This piece will change the way you think”– What’s on Stage “I was left…reminded how much power there can be when one human voice, unstilled, speaks the truth...

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November 9, 2017 | What Did You Think?,

What Did You Think of The State of Siege?

Thank you joining us for Théâtre De La Ville’s The State of Siege. We are so excited to have this esteemed company performing this rarely performed Camus play in Boston and are...

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November 8, 2017 | Theatre,

Kiss: A Chat with the Cast

    We asked the cast of Kiss what audiences should expect from the show; their reply reveals how you simply have to see it to get it. Kiss runs...

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November 8, 2017 | Theatre,

How To Obtain ‘Gardens Speak’ Tickets

In Gardens Speak, only ten audience members per hour are admitted into this unforgettable, full-body-experience. With such limited availability, we’ve created this guide to help people who still hope to...

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November 7, 2017 | What Did You Think?,

What did you think of Gardens Speak

Thank you for joining us to experience Tania El Khoury’s Gardens Speak. This piece is particularly important to us in our season as way to engage with the war in Syria...

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