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May 21, 2018 | Theatre,

On The Other Hand: A Photo Series

Astragales utilizes hands in new and fascinating ways. The stories the company creates with hand and finger puppetry combined with stunning production concepts reveals quintessential human truths. In Cold Blood, audiences are taken through moments of love and loss with exceptional beauty all through intricate set design and multimedia innovations while characters are portrayed with just a few pairs of hands.

As we move through our daily lives, we often don’t take the time to appreciate our hands. They help us express emotion, becoming useful tools of language, as well as enabling us to create, mold and experiment. We adorn them with rings and nail polish. Some of them have scars across their backs. We read the lines in our palms and hope they’ll reveal our future. We use them to hold, to build and to soothe. There is a universality with hands, yet they tell personal stories. Astragales is able to tap into the inherent beauty of hands in their storytelling, which inspired ArtsEmerson to create a photo series of the hands of our team, each accompanied by a story. Some are emotional, some light, humorous, or even a little dark, but all together they help bring out the human experience.


Be sure to catch Cold Blood May 30-June 3 at the Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre and experience the magic of Astragales!


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