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April 13, 2020 | Together Apart,
Thank you for joining us for the Together Apart series!
This is your chance to see one of the classic performances that turned Montreal’s The 7 Fingers into absolute fan-favorites in Boston; from our 2012/13 Season, it’s the miraculous Sequence 8! The 7 Fingers are a long time collaborator throughout ArtEmerson’s lifetime. From PSY in our very first season to Passengers as our opener for the 10th anniversary season, they always inspire audiences, and we are thrilled to continue our history with these brilliant artists.
Sequence 8 from The 7 Fingers will be available to view from April 13-27, 2020. So make some popcorn, make this video full-screen, and let’s enjoy the show!
UPDATE: APRIL 27, 2020
The streaming period for Sequence 8 has unfortunately passed, but we encourage you to stay involved and join us for our next digital event! A full calendar of events can be found here and you can register below for updates, access links, and future viewing reminders!
With such a long, rich history between ArtsEmerson and The 7 Fingers, you can be sure that there’s tons of material on our blog to dive into and learn more about this Montreal troupe’s fantastic art and how it is achieved.
Contemporary circus arts require the utmost faith in your fellow performers. When it comes down to it, your life is quite literally in their hands. The lessons we, as the audience, learn from circus take on a new importance in light of our current circumstances; while we cannot physically hold each other, we prop each other up through zoom calls with family and friends, encouraging text messages, and sharing a common knowledge that by acting together, we help each other. We care for each other deeply, standing together by standing apart.
Let us know how your viewing of Sequence 8 struck you and your virtual theatre-goers in the comments!

As we continue to navigate through these unfortunate circumstances, we hope you will consider making a gift to ArtsEmerson by clicking here. Your generosity will help us deliver inspired programming to the comfort of your own homes while sustaining us for the future when we can commune in our theatres once again.
The choreography almost overshadowed the gymnastics. I was mesmerized from start to finish wondering what wonder I was going to see next. The direction, staging and technicality was mind boggling.
I would have loved to see it. I signed up, got confirmation, followed the instructions and never got an access code. Today I got an email saying that the show will remain visible. I clicked on the link and it took me to the show page that says the time to view it has passed.
I am sure the show is great. The communication/ access processes are broken. I would still like to see it.
We’re sorry you missed the viewing window! We list the videos here on our blog when they go live and those blog posts are available in the emails you’re receiving. There isn’t necessarily an access code, but links sent specifically to those registered for the series. Keep an eye on our blog for future content!