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April 21, 2020 | Together Apart,
WATCH: Parable of the Sower
Our friends at NYU/Abu Dhabi have offered a “Bonus Track” for our Together Apart: Explore New Worlds From Home series. They are doing a world-wide screening of Toshi Reagon’s concert version of Octavia E. Butler’s Parable of the Sower, which they captured live when it played there in 2015.
The stream will start at noon, Boston time, on Wednesday, April 22nd. And yes, that’s Earth Day!
Those of you who caught this concert version of the show when it appeared at the Paramount in the Spring of 2017 will recognize it. Those who didn’t will have a chance to catch up to its developmental journey, which the Boston engagement was a critical addition.
It’s a great way to get ready for the full production when it returns to the Cutler Majestic as we recover the practice of gathering together in public at live performance. And, it’s a global expression of connecting across difference while “standing together by standing apart” that is at the core of our series. Watch it with people in Dubai, Amsterdam, Singapore, New York, Los Angeles, and Paris!
NYU/Abu Dhabi and ArtsEmerson have shared a number of artists and projects over the years that they have been presenting international performance. There’s a series of performances with a wide range of contemporary aesthetics from around the world being offered via livestream from there in the coming weeks and months. Well worth a look!
If you haven’t already, make sure to register for the Together Apart series to RECEIVE updates, access links, and viewing reminders.
Want to learn more about Parable of the Sower and Toshi Reagon? Check out the conversation Artistic Director David Dower and Executive Director David C. Howse had with Toshi over on Howlround, as well as the thought process behind postponing the Parable until our 20/21 Season.

As we continue to navigate through these unfortunate circumstances, we hope you will consider making a gift to ArtsEmerson by clicking here. Your generosity will help us deliver inspired programming to the comfort of your own homes while sustaining us for the future when we can commune in our theatres once again.
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