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August 18, 2020 | Events, Together Apart,
WATCH: A Conversation with Igor Golyak and Wang Chong
Arlekin Players artistic director Igor Golyak and Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental’s artistic director Wang Chong joined us to discuss State vs. Natasha Banina and the state of online theatre.
“I just finished watching the conversation between Igor and Chong—just mind blowing. It’s a real gift: so exciting, positive, hopeful and
‘creating the future’ in a time of such stress and fear.” – Joan Lancourt, ArtsEmerson audience member

Visit HowlRound to start watching now!
If you haven’t already, make sure to reserve your tickets for State vs. Natasha Banina with performances on THU, AUG 20 and SUN, AUG 23, from Arkelin Players Theatre, co-presented by ArtsEmerson and the Cherry Orchard Festival.
Read Wang Chong’s “Online Theatre Manifesto” here.

As we continue to navigate through these unfortunate circumstances, we hope you will consider making a gift to ArtsEmerson by clicking here. Your generosity will help us deliver inspired programming to the comfort of your own homes while sustaining us for the future when we can commune in our theatres once again.
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