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March 19, 2021 | Theatre, Notes From Leadership,
Marking One Year Since Our Last Live Performance: A Town Hall with David C. Howse
On March 12, 2021, Executive Director David C. Howse hosted a Town Hall, hoping our audience would share their feelings about returning back to in-person events.
“What’s your level of excitement or trepidation?”
“What do you need from us to feel safe?”
By asking these questions, it prompted an important conversation of arts now and in the future, and more specifically, where ArtsEmerson would fit into the story. On this anniversary of our last in-person event, it felt vital to check in with our audience and look forward, as well as reflect on the past year in the arts world.
If you missed the live Town Hall, you can now watch it here and feel free to leave your thoughts about returning to the theatre, what you’re looking forward to or more nervous about, and how ArtsEmerson can continue to support you, our audience, throughout the rest of this pandemic and onward.

As we continue to navigate through these unfortunate circumstances, we hope you will consider making a gift to ArtsEmerson by clicking here. Your generosity will help us deliver inspired programming to the comfort of your own homes while sustaining us for the future when we can commune in our theatres once again.
I thought the Town Hall was very insightful—especially about the viewing patterns of the Arts Emerson audience now in pandemic times…I was surprised and shocked to hear the large percentage of people that were watching your offerings during Covid, such a large percentage of them had never attended a performance pre COvid and from marginalized communities, because they did not feel comfortable with “the theatre” environment as it now exists. I do hope that you will continue to offer a virtual option and also that you will work as mentioned to make the theatre more of an alive, welcoming (and informal) place for a cross section of people to share in the experience. Thank you! I thought it was well done and well worth the time.