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January 25, 2024 | Uncategorized,

ArtsEmerson Announces Touch Tour for Moby Dick’s Jan. 28 Performance

Captain Ahab puppetArtsEmerson is pleased to announce that Plexus Polaire will facilitate a Touch Tour on Sunday, January 28, in conjunction with our Audio Described Performance.

A Touch Tour gives patrons who are visually impaired the opportunity to go up on stage and touch parts of the set and any major pieces of scenery, props and costumes (and, perhaps, a whale).

Touch Tours are generally held prior to Audio Described performances and create context about the show. It allows audience members who are visually impaired to understand the design of the space, costume and props, and how those relate to the show.

Plexus Polaire’s Benôit Seguin, the Assistant Director on tour, and a puppeteer will facilitate the tour.

Here is the timeline for Sunday’s show:

12:30-12:45 PM – Touch Tour begins on the Robert J. Orchard state at the Paramount
1:20 PM – Pre-show Audio Description begins
2:00 PM – Audio Described Performance begins

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