Oct 26—Nov 19, 2017
Don't take it personally.
When a young, aspirational theatre troupe discovers and performs what they believe is a Syrian soap opera, they come to realize just how much they don’t know. Kiss is a brilliant play-within-a-play that shows how misunderstanding cultural cues can reveal blind spots you never knew you had. Chilean playwright and director Guillermo Calderón brings his masterful sensibility to this darkly funny, tightly wound new production where naiveté can turn out to be the kiss of death.

Emerson Paramount Center
Robert J. Orchard Stage
559 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111
Oct 26, 2017 - Nov 19, 2017
75 minutes
$60 General Admission
Ages 16+
Please be advised there are loud noises throughout this performance.
Audio Described Performance
Sat, Nov 18 2:00 pm
American Sign Language Performance
Sun, Nov 19 2:00 pm
“The twist transcends the boundary between theater and reality.”
“Metatheater for the digital age.”
“Exposes the flimsiness of intercultural understanding even in the internet-based 21st century.”
— The Tufts Daily
“Kiss is an unusual and discomfiting piece of theater that is part Syrian soap opera, part improv, and totally worth your time.”
“Dower’s direction sets a fast, almost breathless pace”
“As the young people on the stage open their eyes to the truth of a world far from their own, we who are on the opposite side of the footlights are opening our eyes, as well.”
— Broadway World
“A strange and powerful piece.”
“’First World Problems’ is a phrase we tend to toss around, ruefully, when we find ourselves or one of our friends griping about, well, parking at Whole Foods. Or the Red Line. If you want a brief glimpse as to what that phrase really means, get yourself over to the Emerson Paramount and find out.”
— Theater Mirror
“[Calderon is] Chile’s most acclaimed playwright-director of the last two decades”
— The New York Times
“In syria-inspired ‘Kiss,’ misinterpreting the language of war.”
— The Boston Globe
“The true meaning of the title will shock you.”
— On Stage and Screen
“There’s a freshness and forcefulness to Calderón’s work, which marries the urgency of politics to the playful joy of theatre-making.”
— American Theater Magazine