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February 20, 2014 | What Did You Think?,

What did you think of NO PLACE TO GO?

What did you think of NO PLACE TO GO? Did you enjoy the music created by Ethan Lipton & His Orchestra? Did the story hit close to home?

Please take a moment to reflect on your experience of seeing this show and let us know what you think.

2 responses to “What did you think of NO PLACE TO GO?”

  1. Joan Lancourt says:

    This was one of the best things you’ve offered. The band was wonderful and the lead singer who plays the about to be unemployed employee was just fabulous: funny, witty, charming, sad, poignant, sensitive and infuriating, he takes hold of the issue of being trapped in the heartless corporate jaws, of the anxiety and existential angst of being at their mercy, and offers us a way to connect with his fear and pain and sense of loss that I believe made everyone in the room feel less alone. If it were here longer, I would see it several more times. A genuine Everyman, that every man, woman and child should see. I only wished there had been an opportunity to have a discussion after the performance. The issues the group addresses are issues that need to be talked about.

  2. Superb – a really different theatrical experience. Very creative.

    I normally get tired of “anti-business” theater productions, but this was done with warmth and humanity.

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