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December 7, 2015 | Theatre,

The Evolving Theatre District


TOP: Tremont Street as it appeared during the ‘great blackout’ of 1965. The Saxon theater on the right is in fact the Majestic (before it became an adult theater—The Agony and the Ecstasy was a bio pic about the French sculptor Rodin); King’s Restaurant, in the Little Building, is today the site of the Emerson Police Department; the State Transportation Building is still nearly a decade in the future.

BOTTOM: Tremont Street as it appears today. The Cutler Majestic Theatre opened in 2003 after renovations and is currently one of the locations ArtsEmerson showcases theatre from around the world. As you can see, the large “T I C K E T S” sign remains on the right side of the street though that building no longer has anything to do with ticket sales.

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