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September 26, 2019 | What Did You Think?,
Let’s Talk About Passengers!
We’ve experienced the beauty and lyrical storytelling of The 7 Fingers over the past 10 years and Passengers (SEP 25-OCT 13) is certainly no exception to the tradition of contemporary circus, pushing the boundaries of what circus can entail. Now we want to know what you thought about the show! First impressions, reactions, the feeling you felt walking out of the Cutler Majestic when the show was over — whatever resonates with you!
We have some helpful prompts below, as well as reviews from press and audiences members, as inspiration to guide your thinking. Leave a comment either on this blog post, or engage with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! Who knows, you may see your review up on our marquees… And as always, please spread the word about this miraculous company and performance with your friends and family!
1. What do you learn about yourself when traveling?
2. What is the most memorable conversation you’ve had with a stranger while traveling?
3. Did Passengers remind of you journeys you have taken?
4. How would you describe The 7 Fingers style of circus?
5. Do you prefer planes, trains, or automobiles?
“THIS TRAIN IS BOUND FOR GLORY. Sheer joy. Jaw-dropping skill. Dazzling acrobatic and aerial feats. A SPELLBINDING PERFORMANCE.” –The Boston Globe
“Passengers really took the audience for a ride- one we were all disappointed to see end.” – Edge Media Network
“As much as I’ve seen circus acts, there is always so much that is new in 7 Fingers productions. The physics of it are nearly incomprehensible to me.” – Jared Bowen, WGBH Arts Editor
Passengers is in its own stratosphere.” Theatre Mirror
“SIMPLY THRILLING” – Critics At Large
“Along the way circus artists’ feats of daring are married with the worlds of theater, illusion. music and dance in ever more creative ways.” – On Boston Stages
a truly immersive experience
FEELS LIKE MAGIC.” – The Harvard Crimson
“Intimate and gasp-inducing. A THRILL TO BEHOLD.” – The Arts Fuse
Not your father’s big top.
Performances of death defying feats mixed with a raw beauty and a celebration of the human body that was breathtaking.” – Boxing Over Broadway

“These artists from Les 7 Doigts/The 7 Fingers are so incredibly talented! What a great way to kick off @ArtsEmerson’s 10th season with The Passengers.” – @y2000k
“Saw this powerful show this weekend. I now feel ashamed that I ever watched a super hero movie there were actual super heroes on stage doing the unbelievable.” – Will Dailey, singer/songwriter
“This was one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to experience.” – Donald, audience member blog comment
“Amazed and touched by the magical Passengers by The 7 Fingers.” – @erhoffer
“I had the pleasure of seeing this excellent, spell bounding performance tonight. Must see!!” – @MemonNasim
“Just saw this — maybe their best show so far that I’ve seen!” – Nancy Gold, Facebook
“Just saw it; it was SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOODDD!!!!!!” – Megan Fidler-Carey, Facebook
“The shows are always thought-provoking, intellectually challenging and, they literally take your breath away!!!” – Audience Member
“I saw this last night and it was fabulous. Somehow a circus that touches your heart and your mind. Beautiful and inspiring! It feel so good to take time for my own entertainment! The quality of the shows at ArtsEmerson means I can count on being inspired, moved, delighted every time!” – Marina, audience member blog comment
“We enjoyed the performances immensely and didn’t want it to end.” – Audience Member
“Incredible show! A masterpiece from 7 fingers and Shana Carroll.” – Fei Wu, host of Fei’s World podcast
“Just left the theater. Amazing show!” – Jerry D., Facebook
“Loved it!! Thank you Emerson, for bringing this talented group back year after year!” – Annie W., Facebook
Just saw the show with 4 family members. My husband and I have seen all the 7 Fingers productions in Boston. Passengers is constant motion with emotion! We loved it!
Kind of you to write, Rita. I especially appreciate your recommendation for families. It’s so fun to have all the multi-generational families in the audience. Yesterday’s matinee was especially family-oriented. We gave out all the booster seats we have on hand, there were so many little ones, there with parents and grandparents. Perfect!
This was one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to experience. Heartstopping in both its agility and emotion. I am so very glad I took the journey and cannot wait to make the return!
We look forward to seeing you back at the theater!
We loved it! It may be the best 7 Doigts production yet — thrilling and emotional — a sparkling mix of music, dance, and acrobatics!
Thank you, both of you! It was great to glimpse you in the audience, and see your beaming faces. It’s a kindness to share your thoughts with others here. Hope to see you at the theater again soon!
I went yesterday with a friend who is also a parent of a BAA dance student. We were both enthralled, couldn’t stop clapping & whooping our appreciation for this phenomenal show. As a person who loves traveling, beyond the amazing performances and fantastic music, I found myself recalling snippets of several decades of travel adventures. As the mom of a dancer, my friend marveled at the choreography, the dance+acrobatics, and kept wishing all dance students could see this innovative show. We didn’t want the joy-ride to end!
Thank you, Feasters, for your continued advocacy and support.
I’ve been attending Artsemerson events for nearly 10 years. The performances by les 7 doigts have been particularly memorable and inspiring. However, since becoming a single mother, I’ve struggled to make time and budget available for an evening at the theater. Yesterday I brought my 4.5 year old daughter to see Passengers. She was enthralled. As the lights came up, her first words were that she wanted to see it again. Passengers was entertaining and emotional and thoughtful. What amazingly talented individuals!! So happy to introduce my daughter to Artsemerson with this production.
So happy to know your daughter was with you! Two generations of ArtsEmersonians.
Whenever the barrier is primarily budget, I hope you will let us know. We try to keep tickets available at all price points so that it’s not a financial barrier. Call the box office and let us know what you are trying to do.
The adjectives that come to mind to describe the Passenger performance are spellbinding, authentic, creative, awesome, whimsical, thought provoking, acrobatic, talented and more! A must see!