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April 24, 2020 | Together Apart,
We’ve Got You Covered
If your experience of this COVID-19 world is anything like ours, you are probably inundated by bits and pieces of information flying around in all directions about how to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from its spread. It gets overwhelming to sort it all out.
Well, thanks to the Mayor’s Office and the City of Boston, ArtsEmerson has got you covered.
Boston’s arts community is working with Mayor Marty Walsh’s staff to distribute this comprehensive, easy-to-digest website featuring everything from how to make a face covering, to testing, to how to safely isolate if you become sick at home. It is what you need to know, all in one place.

As you know, ArtsEmerson is committed to standing together while standing apart as the whole region works through this outbreak. We encourage you to share this guide widely in the hopes that it shortens the timeline for our return to standing together by standing, well, together!
In the meanwhile, come by and see us at our online home any time, where the Together Apart series continues to create opportunities to connect with our artists, their shows, and our staff.
Cover up. Stay safe. See you online!

Pictured above: David Dower (He/Him/His), Akiba Abaka (She/Her/Hers), Susan Chinsen (She/Her/Hers), Kevin Becerra (He/Him/His).
David C. Howse (He/Him/His), Ryan Walsh (He/Him/His), Susan Chinsen (She/Her/Hers), Kevin Becerra (He/Him/His).
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