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November 7, 2013 | What Did You Think?,

What did you think of STEP AFRIKA!

Thank your for joining us for Step Afrika!


Please take a moment to share your thoughts on you experience.
Were you familiar with step dancing before seeing Step Afrika!?
What were stand out moments in the performance for you?
What were differences in what you were expecting and what you saw?

Thank you for your thoughts and presence!


7 responses to “What did you think of STEP AFRIKA!”

  1. Ron Mallis says:

    Amazing performers whether as dancers or as drummers, and the first half was phenomenal. The second, however — not so much: the gum-boot piece was pretty lame, and the performance devolved into a kind of Las Vegas show-biz routine. The performers are too good for that, and I hope they reconsider how the evening might be constructed.

  2. Melinda Robins says:

    Fabulous, and very impressive performance. The dancers were magnificent. It was difficult to sit for so long watching them, although I thought they did a good job getting a very sedentary (OK, a very white) audience participating from their seats. My only criticism was that the attempt to lighten the gumboot piece with humor failed for me, because I know about the suffering that went — and continues — to go on in such mines not only in South Africa, but across the world. In particular, the flirtation rankled because the reality of miner promiscuity with prostitutes around the mines meant mean their going home once or twice a month and bringing HIV with them…
    Thanks to Arts Emerson for bringing this to the gorgeous Majestic. And thanks to Step Afrika! for their magnificence.

  3. Melinda Robins says:

    Make that once or twice A YEAR!

  4. Kathy deGraaf says:

    Wow! What a joyous performance. I had seen stepping by Alpha Phi Alpha and Omega Psi Phi fraternity brothers back when I was in college many years ago in the south, but never heard of it since. I remember how crowds of students used to gather around to watch, because it was exciting so see. What a terrific idea to bring it to the stage. Great to see women stepping too — times have changed! I enjoyed every single piece, and the explanations about the historic background enhanced the whole experience as well as providing a nice breather between routines. Many thanks to Arts Emerson for bringing them to Boston — hope they’ll be back again soon.

  5. Sandy Thompson says:

    Step Afrika was fabulous! I brought my grandaughter (10) and a friend and we all loved it! I especially appreciated learning about the history of step in this country. Who wouldn’t be wowed by the choreography, athleticism, and exuberance of the group!

  6. Pamela Kaufmann says:

    I and my grandson thought they were great and so hard working. We thoroughly enjoyed the show.

  7. Letha Roberts says:

    Step Afrika was spectacular – It is way more than what I expected. The enteraction with the audience and the history of Sepping was great.. I RECOMMEND TO BRING BACK STEP AFRIKA TO BOSTON AND SCHEDULE MORE PERFROMANCES . We really enjoyed the PERFORMANCE and I am glad you did not have intermisssion!!!

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