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August 31, 2019 | News,
A Message Regarding Straight Pride Parade
On August 31st, a group called Super Happy Fun America will be hosting a Straight Pride Parade in Boston, slated to begin at 12 pm in Copley Square. We are an organization that believes in creating community across difference and celebrating the diversity both in Boston and internationally, ensuring that our stages and audiences are representative of the entire human experience.
As a member of the Boston and Emerson College communities, we share the letter written by President Lee Pelton regarding the demonstration and our stance as an institution in response:
“Do not be lulled into believing this parade is motivated by any noble obligation to protect freedom of speech or assembly. This is its mask only and behind that mask are a group of angry and misguided people whose aim is to turn a cherished American value “e pluribus unum,” “out of the many, one” on its head.
The Straight Pride Parade is a perversion. It is a desecration of beauty, truth and generosity and that is why we must call it out, call it what is, with a loud, clear, unambiguous and unified voice.” – President Lee Pelton
We stand with President Lee Pelton and the rest of Emerson College with these words. We stand in solidarity with our community members and will never back down from hate, on or off stage.

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