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May 6, 2020 | Together Apart,
WATCH: A Conversation with Clyde Petersen, creator of Torrey Pines
In the early months of 2018, audiences gathered for this intimate story of adolescence and queer identity unfolding through stop-motion animation and a live soundtrack. Torrey Pines is a show we keep coming back to — its ability to be so specific in its narrative yet relatable to all of our own experiences of growing up is a gift for all viewers. Audiences were delighted by the experience and the show’s merch can be spotted on the backs of laptops and t-shirts around Boston; it’s been a delight to stream this show as part of our Together Apart series.
This week, Artistic Director David Dower and Associate Producer Kevin Becerra joined Clyde Petersen, creator of Torrey Pines, for a conversation about his new album (entitled Sofaburn), queer artists creating in isolation, and even repairing boats on remote islands. Check out the conversation below and share your thoughts with us in the comment section down below!
Torrey Pines is available to stream until May 10th and if you haven’t already, make sure to register for the Together Apart series to receive updates, access links, and viewing reminders!

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