Oct 05—16, 2022
Step Afrika! / Washington DC, USA
They took the drums away, but they couldn't stop the beat.
When Africans lost the right to use their drums, the beats found their way into the body of the people. Inspired by the Stono Rebellon of 1739 and Negro Act of 1740, Drumfolk is a thrilling, percussive exploration of American history, placing a spotlight on the rhythmic cycle of life that bonds all of us together.
Step Afrika! have been called “masters of stepping” by the New Yorker and “electrifying talents” by the New York Times. Through music, stepping, tap, and ring shouts these remarkable performers recreate histories too often left in the margins. After their celebrated prior visits to Boston (The Migration, Step Afrika!), the troupe returns this fall with a celebration of the human spirit perfect for the entire family.
Step into history, step into Drumfolk!

Emerson Cutler Majestic Theatre
219 Tremont Street
Boston, MA 02116
Oct 05, 2022 - Oct 16, 2022
Season Package
Secure best seats today by purchasing a Season Package. 4-show Packages start as low as $99; Come to everything and save up to 40% on single ticket prices.
Groups of 10+
Orders of 10 or more tickets for any performance are available now.
Reserve Group Tickets
“A mesmerizing, complex, and energetic show of dance and music”
— New England Theatre Geek
“Must See!”
— Ch. 10 NBC
More visceral than anything else I’ve seen depicting the African experience in America.”
— Theatre Mirror
“The jubilant Drumfolk — a reclamation of the history of those who fought ardently for freedom — pulses with acuity and offers more than exquisite dancing…The cast’s unrelenting stamina, fierce facial expressions and commitment to their craft was exhilarating to behold.”
“[Drumfolk] got the audience *literally* on its feet last night.”
— Jared Bowen, GBH Arts Editor
“The most energetic performance I have ever seen. The talent of the Drumfolk cast is unparalleled. Exciting to witness, beautiful to watch. Step Afrika!’s Drumfolk awakens something deep inside you, the audience member, no matter how you personally connect to the experience represented on stage, you will feel it.”
— City Living Boston
“Magic. Amazing. A feast for all the senses.”
— Broadway World
“Enthusiasm and energy to send you soaring into next week.”
— The Washington Post
“In Drumfolk, Step Afrika! performs dances rooted in African-American history…In the bodies of these skilled performers, the beat is obviously unstoppable. Again and again, the dancers pick it up and pass it around with clapping hands and stomping feet, through the legs, behind the back, defiant and unified and inspiring.”
— New York Times
“Electrifies, stealing hearts and minds…Drumfolk integrates song, storytelling, humor, and audience participation in each performance to stirring effect…a riveting and entertaining evening.”
— OnStage Blog
November 2, 2022
Theatre for One: Tell Us Your Thoughts
Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about Theatre for One! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind....
Read MoreOctober 25, 2022
What are your thoughts about On Beckett?
Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about On Beckett! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind. We...
Read MoreOctober 14, 2022
What is Step?
In their show, Drumfolk, dance troupe Step Afrika! uses the art of stepping to tell a story of African American history, one inspired by the Stono Rebellion of 1739 and...
Read MoreOctober 7, 2022
Drumfolk receives an enthusiastic Boston welcome!
This week's opening of Drumfolk featured electric energy and robust community engagement. ArtsEmerson wants to thank Boston While Black for coming out to support and hosting a post-show mixer where...
Read MoreOctober 6, 2022
What did you think about Drumfolk?
Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about Drumfolk! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind. We can’t...
Read MoreSeptember 26, 2022
What Inspired Drumfolk?
Drumfolk opens on October 5 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre, but what inspired this production? Read on to learn more! Drumfolk is inspired by the Stono Rebellion of 1739, an event...
Read More“FANTASTIC…Thank you for bringing this wonderful show to Boston!”
— @BucknellBash
“RUN DON’T WALK TO SEE IT! A riveting, high energy performance with a POWERFUL MESSAGE we all need to hear.”
— @MorierComms