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October 6, 2022 | Theatre, What Did You Think?,

What did you think about Drumfolk?

Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about Drumfolk! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind. We can’t wait to hear from you!

1. Were you familiar with the history of the Stono Rebellion before seeing Drumfolk?
2. How do you reclaim lost or stolen pieces of your culture?
3. Have you had a chance to watch our public dialogue The Point: Reclaiming What Has Been Stolen?

Feel free to leave a comment on this blog post, or reach out on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram; be sure to tag @ArtsEmerson too! Be sure to check back here for more reviews from press and other audience members.

3 responses to “What did you think about Drumfolk?”

  1. Janice Cagan-Teuber says:

    Before I read the information about DrumFolk, I knew nothing about the Stono Rebellion. I knew nothing about the outlawing of drums. I did know about the prohibition or learning to read and write. I was very sad when I found out about the Comprehensive Negro Act of 1740. I didn’t know it was Law, I just thought the aspects of the law was something that all slave holders agreed upon.

    I was exhausted at the intermission, just watching the dancers and feeling the beat resonate in my gut. The same, at the end of the show! The show is VERY powerful. Not just the beats of the drums, and the sticks, but the emotional power of the stories presented. I would HIGHLY recommend everyone see the show!!!!!!!

  2. I love going to the theater, so out of many performances I am going to say that #Drumfolk has been one of the top three, if not the best performance I have seen! I felt it and heard it down to my core. It told the heartfelt story of an Afrikan cruel past. There were many tears, but dancing in my seat as well. The music, the dancers, the musicians and singers, as well as the costumes were SPECTACULAR. I am already planning to go back with my friends next weekend. Please please do not miss out on this AMAZING show.

  3. Sharon says:

    I wish there was a way for me to step with the cast in a call and response or Step Show in the lobby. It reaffirmed that the Drum is still in us through tap, rap, jazz, gospel, R&B, step shows, and beat boxing. My dancing body is my drum! Keep up the great work!

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