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January 27, 2011 | Theatre,
TIP #4: So, You Want to Join the Circus?!
by Heidi Nelson
TIP # 4: Learn from the best…
While degrees are necessary for most career paths, circus performers can have a wide range of formal and informal training. There are many prestigious circus schools in the U.S. and abroad that train some of the most talented performers in the world. Among those from multiple generations of circus practitioners, some attend circus schools to hone their skills and others just learn their trade growing up rehearsing and performing with their parents and colleagues.
Circus performers might be trained in gymnastics, dance, clowning, theatre, and more—whatever fits their needs and helps them achieve their goals. Check out the biographies of Les 7 doigts in your PSY program; if there’s one word to describe their backgrounds, it’s “diverse.”
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