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June 28, 2013 | Theatre,

CONTEST: Turn a line of Shakespeare into a Melody!



While preparing to welcome The Shakespearean Jazz Show to the Paramount Center Mainstage on July 18th, we’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about the rich tradition of setting Shakespeare’s legendary words to music. In fact, we published a brief history of this tradition on this very blog just last week. And as we’ll see on July 18th, the urge to combine the Bard’s words with melody is alive and well to this very day.

Now we’d like to involve you in this tradition. Starting today through July 15th at midnight we’re running a contest entitled “Sing For Your Shakespeare!” in which we challenge you to take a line of Shakespeare, create a melody for it, record it, and upload it online (YouTube, SoundCloud, Vine, or whatever works for you).  You can enter the contest by placing a link to your melody in the comments section of this entry.  After the deadline our team of experts will judge the entries, choose the best, and award two tickets to The Shakespearean Jazz Show to our favorite entry!

So, please, join us in having a bit of musical fun with Willy Shakes’ words!


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