Month: January 2017

  • Month: January 2017
January 23, 2017 | Theatre, Notes From Leadership,

Arthur Miller meets The Beauty Queen by Rob Orchard

  Twenty years ago I was in New York on theatre related business and unexpectedly had to stay over an extra day – which meant a free night. I had...

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January 19, 2017 | What Did You Think?,

What Did You Think of Our Secrets

Thank you for joining us for Bela Pinter’s Our Secrets. There is much to be mined from the complex production that gives insight to the contemporary political climate through the lens...

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January 11, 2017 | Theatre,

Time Has Stopped: The Work of Béla Pintér & Company by Tamás Jászay

  What are the signature characteristics of work by Béla Pintér? Wide-reaching appeal, rich Hungarian values, tastelessness, authentic folklore, rampant kitsch, rituals and boisterous exhilaration—in the hands of Béla Pintér...

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January 11, 2017 | Theatre,

Our Secrets: Synopsis

  Our Secrets takes us back to 1980s Budapest, during the days of Communist rule in Hungary. The characters are members of the Hungarian folk-music scene that emerged in the...

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January 10, 2017 | Notes From Leadership,

I’m Just Going To Leave This Here by David Dower

  When I first saw Our Secrets in 2015 in Budapest, it was a very dif­ferent time. I was overcome by the powerful sense of ensemble and the exhilarating feeling...

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January 9, 2017 | Theatre,

Exploring the Hungarian dance house movement of Our Secrets

1980. Soviet-era Hungary. In a dance hall, a musician confesses his private sexual desire for his seven-year-old step-daughter. And his government is taping his every word. Under threat of being...

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