Month: December 2017

  • Month: December 2017
December 21, 2017 | Theatre,

Massachusetts House of Representatives Honors Bangsokol & ArtsEmerson

  ArtsEmerson was presented with a great honor on the final night of Bangsokol: A Requiem for Cambodia from State Representative Rady Mom, 18th Middlesex District for “engaging all communities...

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December 19, 2017 | What Did You Think?,

What Did You Think of Bangsokol: A Requiem for Cambodia

Thank you for joining us for a Bangsokol: A Requiem for Cambodia. We are so proud to host this production after months of planning and partnership with organizations from Lowell to...

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December 19, 2017 | Theatre,

Photo Recap: Bangsokol Engagement Events

This month we presented Cambodian Culture, Art and History a month-long series of free and ticketed community engagement events in Boston and Lowell that include films, conversations and workshops; and culminate with...

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December 18, 2017 | Theatre,

Make Your ArtsEmerson Debut!

ArtsEmerson is currently looking to cast eight extras for our upcoming production of In the Eruptive Mode by Sulayman Al-Bassam and you could one of them! Interested individuals must be between 18...

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December 8, 2017 | Notes From Leadership, Theatre,

Limitless Possibilities: The ArtsEmerson Multimedia Trilogy

  The Guardian noticed it in 2008: “Recently, I’ve seen a lot of shows which make inspired use of projection, AV, techniques and tricks filched from film and TV, pushing...

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December 6, 2017 | Theatre,

The gift buying conundrum ends here 🎁

Sure, you could check off your holiday gift list with Snuggies, fidget spinners, and Apple watches, OR you could get them tickets to an experience that they’ll never forget. It’s...

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December 4, 2017 | Theatre, Notes From Leadership,

Bringing Bangsokol to a City of Many Minorities

  In 2010, the census confirmed what many Boston residents already understood: that there was no longer a cultural majority in our city. We are a city of many minorities. ArtsEmerson...

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