Year: 2020

  • Year: 2020
September 29, 2020 | General, Film,

Step into the Bright Lights

This year, we are so proud to partner with the Bright Lights Film Series at Emerson College to bring you more of the best transformative art from around the world,...

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September 24, 2020 | Film, General,

A talk with the creators of Our Time Machine [available in Mandarin and English]

UPDATE: The feature film Our Time Machine is currently streaming on PBS. 各位观众朋友们,大家好!欢迎来到ArtsEmerson在线电影放映《时光机》的主创各位观众朋友们,大家好!欢迎来到ArtsEmerson在线电影放映《时光机》的主创座谈会。今天我们有幸邀请到纪录片《时光机》导演兼制作人,江松长、孙杨老师,以及特别邀请到了装置木偶舞台剧《爸爸的时光机》美术指导及剧团经理,孙昊老师。本次对谈由创剧社的联合创始人曲悦鸣主持。除此之外,孙昊老师将会给各位观众展示马良和他们团队的木偶制作工坊,同时分享舞台剧创作的心路历程。以下是访谈中的一些节选片段: Please enjoy this live conversation with Our Time Machine documentary directors Yang Sun and S. Leo Chiang...

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September 23, 2020 | News,

A Year of Experimentation

This year has asked us all, both as individuals and as a larger organization to reexamine how we create art. From the shuttering of live theatre as we know it...

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September 10, 2020 | Events, Notes From Leadership,

Announcing David Dower’s Departure

Creating an institution is not unlike creating a work of art. In this case, the art form is theater. But like every act of creativity, it starts from a vision...

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September 9, 2020 | Events, Film, Together Apart,

Artists Conversation with Step Afrika and ArtsEmerson

We had the honor of talking with Founder and Executive Director of Step Afrika! C. Brian Williams on the future of art making in the digital age, the relationship between...

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September 8, 2020 | Together Apart, Events, Film, Race and Equity,

The History of the Stono Rebellion

It is a known fact that our history books contains massive gaps, focusing their narrative so narrowly that even if the book is full of words, there are pieces of...

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September 3, 2020 | Together Apart, Film,

Welcoming back Step Afrika! In This New World

We all started this year with an idea of what was the come, preparing for plans that were soon to set in motion and an expectation of what we, individually...

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August 25, 2020 | Together Apart, General, Notes From Leadership, Race and Equity,

The Good Old Days Weren’t Good For Everybody

Don’t miss ArtsEmerson Executive Director David C. Howe’s appearance on Dr. Nick Morgan’s #JustOneQuestion show where he talks about his life and work in a moment of racial reckoning on...

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