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February 6, 2024 | Events, General, Theatre, What Did You Think?,

What did you think about Duel Reality?

Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about Duel Reality! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind. We can’t wait to hear from you!

1. How does the reemerging of this classic tale resonate today?

2. What elements of Romeo and Juliet lent themselves well to a sporting event?

3. What acrobatic stunts were you impressed by?

Feel free to leave a comment on this blog post, or reach out on Facebook or Instagram; be sure to tag @ArtsEmerson too! Be sure to check back here for more reviews from press and other audience members.

4 responses to “What did you think about Duel Reality?”

  1. Someone Who Cares says:

    1. Shakespeare had enormous talent as a writer. This troupe has enormous talent as acrobats. They have slightly above average talent as dancers and average talent as singers, actors and writers (whoever wrote this). I don’t care to watch average.
    2. none
    3. all of the acrobatics were stunning. they should have left it at that.

  2. Tim says:

    This is the third show by 7 Fingers we’ve seen, and we have enjoyed all of them, including this one. I was unhappy about the sound this time, though. It felt unnecessarily loud all the time and uncomfortably loud some of the time. My wife actually put her fingers in her ears at times. Even when it wasn’t that loud, it sometimes overpowered some component of the sound system and had audible distortion. I wasn’t able to understand most of the dialog or song lyrics, only some individual words, even when it was straight from Shakespeare. I was in Row C, so very close to the stage, and perhaps it was not so bad elsewhere in the theater. But I’d much prefer to have the sound only just loud enough to be easy to hear, not as loud as possible without being painful.

  3. carol says:

    I agree with sound. Unable to understand dialogue. Really enjoyed the show. Second 7 Fingers I’ve seen here. Still, very upset that they staged a fake fight in the audience at start of performance. Very callous and ignorant in these days of random violence. Please find another way to “set the stage”

  4. John says:

    Thumbs up! We all had a great time — from an 11-year-old to a 75-year-old. The venue was also terrific.

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