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February 13, 2015 | Theatre,

What Excites You About Green Porno?

Thank you for joining us for Green Porno: Live on Stage!


This production is quite the conversation starter. What drew you to this event? What surprised you most about the private lives of the animal kingdom?


10 responses to “What Excites You About Green Porno?”

  1. Stephen Jones says:

    I did not know what to expect going into the show, but I really enjoyed the thought provoking and funny way that Isabella educated us on the sex lives of the animal kingdom.

  2. This was a delightful way to spend Valentine’s Day with my husband. Not only was Ms. Rossellini as beautiful and funny as we had hoped, but we learned something at the same time!

    A word to the wise – if you park at Millennium Place you must go to the parking attendant to use the voucher. The machines will not accept them.

  3. David Reno says:

    Dear Isabella;

    My wife, whom I met at Emerson, and I celebrated out 40th anniversary of moving in together by attending your performance.

    I loved it! You managed to use humor in discussing the one process that everyone has in common,

    I had one suggestion: Are you taking the show on the road? If so, please let me suggest you do a benefit in Indianapolis, Indiana, to benefit the Kinsey Institute for the study of Sexuality,& Reproduction, at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. I think the late Dr. Kinsey would have loved your show. Why not do a benefit for his organization?

    David Reno

    • David Dower says:

      Thank you for your suggestion, David. And congratulations on the milestone. So glad you celebrated it with us!

      The show is touring, though a lot of what comes next for it will be in Europe. We’ll forward your suggestion on to the company just in case.

      Hope to see you at another ArtsEmerson production before another 40 years passes!! You don’t need an excuse to join us– you can come just to celebrate another day of living. Cheers!

  4. Tony Alves says:

    I wish we could have gotten in to Boston to see the Saturday night show. We were really looking forward to seeing it!

  5. Ilana says:

    Green Porno with Isabella Rossellini exceeded my expectations. Not only was it a hilarious show, but it was educational and really got you thinking. You can tell that Ms. Rossellini is very passionate about biology and animals and she does a great job of sharing that passion with us. I would highly recommend this show to anyone with even the slightest sense of humor.

  6. GC says:

    Loved the show (2/21 performance) even though I had seen most of the content of Green Porno on the web. It was the best bio lecture imaginable and Isabella Rossellini’s warm and intelligent personality shines through. The show is a bit rough around the edges and could benefit from tightening the script and performance – it felt like a pre-broadway run.But any opportunity to see Isabella Rossellini on stage working on this excellent material is a treat. Thanks for a fun night in a perfect jewel box of a theater.

  7. Thank you very much for putting on the additional show this past Saturday! My wife and I originally had tickets to the 2/14 show; we weren’t able to make it down to MA due to the storm. We appreciate ArtsEmerson being willing to exchange our tickets for the later performance — and what a performance! We had a great time in an amazing theatre. Isabella put on a great show! The staff were polite and helpful, and we really enjoyed the question & answer session afterwards. Thanks again for everything!

    • David Dower says:

      I’m glad this all worked out in the end, Brian. I know you were annoyed that we carried on with the originally scheduled Saturday performance, so I’m especially glad you stuck with it and us. We have all been through the wringer with #StupidWinter and this is one of the small little success stories that keep hope in our hearts and Spring in our steps.

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