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March 14, 2022 | Theatre, What Did You Think?,

Let’s Talk About Everyday Life and Other Odds and Ends

The World Premiere of Everyday Life and Other Odds and Ends introduces three very different couples, each of their relationships uniquely impacted by Parkinson’s disease, in a bold multi-media experience that delves into the intimate experiences that take place between heartbeats.

Join the conversation and let us know what you thought about the production! Comment below, either by following one of the prompts below or with whatever crosses your mind. We can’t wait to hear from you!

  • Were there interactions between the couples that resonated for you?
  • How did you connect the echo movers, film, and actors?
  • How did the production make you feel after leaving the theater?
  • And, what questions do you have?

Feel free to leave a comment on this blog post, or reach out on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram; and be sure to tag @ArtsEmerson too! Be sure to check back here for more reviews from press and other audience members.

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